Resources on this page include papers that I have presented, along with other links or information that may be helpful in your growth as an engineer.
"Increasing the Confidence & Competence of Engineering Graduates"
I delivered this presentation at the ASCE/SEI Structures Congress on May 18, 2007. It includes an outline of what is important for engineers to KNOW and to DO in their profession and itemizes some helpful tips on how to train young/new engineers to pick up these important skills.
"Training Engineering Graduates for Structural Engineering Projects"
December 2005 was cold in Chicago, Illinois, but it was a pleasure to be there and give this presentation at the Structural Engineer Magazine's Buildings Conference and Expo. This work was eventually fine-tuned into an article that appeared in NCSEA/SEI/CASE's Structure magazine.
"What Happened? An Analysis of the Performance of Structures Before and During Failure"
This presentation was given at the ASCE/SEI Structures Congress on April 5, 2002 in Denver, Colorado. I have fond memories of this trip because it was in February of this year that I re-connected with a dear friend of mine, so I shared everything that was going on at the conference. This presentation was also turned into an article for ASCE's "Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction".
"Making Responsible Decisions Regarding Conventional and Engineered Wood-Construction"
This presentation was given at the Structural Engineers Association of California Annual Conference in 2002 at Santa Barbara, California. It is based on the 1997 Uniform Building Code, but served as a model in developing my residential design seminar with ASCE.
“Mentoring Engineering Graduates”
This is an article that I wrote in 2006 with principles for mentors that are still quite relevant and helpful for today!
SE Exam Study Resources (Second Edition)
Volume 1: This is the first of three volumes of supplemental materials for the Second Edition of Structural Engineering SE Examination - Breadth and Depth study book. This volume includes a summary of where sample problems relate to the instructional text and includes additional review problems.
Volume 2: This second volume of supplemental materials includes additional instruction that further explains existing subjects and adds new subjects, suitable for exam study as well as everyday practice.
Volume 3 (Updated May 31, 2023): This third volume of supplemental materials includes additional multiple-choice problems and essay-type problems.